The 35th National Hazards Conference 2024

Hazards Conference 2024
Delegates at the 35th annual Hazards Conference 2024

Report of the 35th National Hazards Conference
The Climate Crisis and Workers’ Health and Safety – A deadly combination.
Hybrid event both online and in-person at Keele University –
30th August – 1 September 2024

Hazards Conference has always been one of the biggest grassroots health and safety conferences for trade union safety reps and activists. I would like to record our enormous gratitude to all those who gave up their time readily, to share their expertise by speaking or delivering sessions, without who we would not be able to run the conference. I would also like to thank all the attendees who came to Keele and shared their knowledge and experience to make the conference welcoming and interesting for everyone.

This year we held it as a hybrid conference with over 230 people involved, with ten workshops, four of which were hybrid three hybrid fringe meetings and a hybrid long-Covid meeting. Nearly half of the attendees were brand new to the conference, and about 45% were women and 35% from black or ethnic backgrounds.

To see the full report including the programme, events and workshops please Click here.

To provide feedback about the conference use the QR code below or Click here.

See you in 2025!

Live streaming from India into the conference
Sanjiv Pandita (Asia Solidarity
Centre) speaking from India to the conference

Over a dozen stalls from unions, not-for-profit, safety, legal and campaign groups
Sarah Lyons from the NEU talks on the issues from Ofsted inspections
Delegates at the first plenary session