Hazards Conference

Organising for Safe and Healthy Working Environments

This year’s Hazard conference will take place at Keele University from Friday 30th August til Sunday 1st September.

This year’s conference includes sessions on:

  • HASWA @50 – what is the future?
  • Climate and Workers Health and Safety – the challenges of extreme weather events and the impact of work activity on the climate.
  • Making the case for Mentally healthy work – workers are being exposed to increasing workloads, health impacting work-related stress, violence and bullying and we need to resist not be more resilient
  • Bad work injures and kills – collective pressure and safety reps save lives – but the majority of workers are not in trade union organised workplaces, how are we fighting for these workers?

As well as workshops, fringe meetings and networking events.

Following on from last year we will be awarding certificates for great health and safety campaigns and calling out the bad employers on health and safety.

You can join this year’s Hazards Conference in person at the University of Keele and/or online from Friday 30th August to Sunday 1st September

Online delegates will be able to watch livestreams of plenaries and meetings and participate in online workshops.

All delegates will receive packs which include a conference badge and bag and lots of relevant information from trade unions and other organisations.

After booking your ticket here you will be invoiced the relevant fee. Ticket prices are:

  • £320 in person – residential, including accommodation
  • £210 in person – non residential
  • £210 online only

Please sign up via the Eventbrite link here.

Again please ignore the eventbrite payment request, we will invoice you. Hazards Conference is NOT free – whether in person or online. Unfortunately we can’t change the Eventbrite wording.